Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Consulting

Helping you comply with EU CBAM regulations.

what is The carbon border adjustment mechanism (cbam)?

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is the EU’s first carbon border tax. It was introduced as part of the European Green Deal to combat carbon leakage and bolster emissions reduction efforts. Its impact extends globally, as international companies must align with EU regulations to maintain access to the EU market.

EU importers must submit product carbon footprint declarations quarterly, with the first deadline on January 31, 2024. Starting January 1, 2026, only registered declarants can import CBAM goods.

Gain a clear understanding of your cbam reporting requirements

Tetra Tech’s CBAM consultants can help your team achieve complianceprotecting your market access and brand reputation. Our team offers support for both EU and non-EU importers. 

  • CBAM Declaration Data
    Tetra Tech can help you understand your company’s specific customer requirements for CBAM declaration data, including legal requirements to the EU, contractural requirements to your customers, and reporting deadlines, formats, and methodologies. 
  • CBAM Reporting Requirements
    From identifying in-scope CBAM goods to establishing emission monitoring methods, our experts will help you confirm and communicate your clients’ reporting requirements and expectations. 
  • CBAM Roadmap
    Once we have identified your company’s requirements and guided you through one subsequent reporting cycle, we will provide a personalized long-term roadmap for CBAM compliance based on our observance of your company’s unique circumstances and our expertise in forecasting regulatory changes.

Assistance for reporting cbam to your customers

Our support offerings include tailored assistance in gathering declaration data and completing the EU Commission’s CBAM Communications Template, available for download below. 


Tetra Tech has years of expertise in navigating regulatory compliance landscapes. Our seasoned professionals delve into the nuances of each new requirement, saving you time and effort. Trust us to demystify your company’s EU CBAM reporting needs, offering clear guidance on deadlines, in-scope goods, and formats specific to your business.

Expert, On-Call Team

Tetra Tech’s team stays up to date with everything you need to know for CBAM reporting and can answer your questions.

Online Training

Become an expert on CBAM with our professional online training. Coming 2025.

Regular Access to Online Resources

Gain access to even more CBAM support with our online blog updates. We strive to give you CBAM insights that make your reporting easier.


AJ Guikema and Abby Brandenburg
CBAM Compliance Consultants

With decades of combined regulatory compliance experience, AJ and Abby are leading consultants for Tetra Tech’s CBAM reporting experience team and are here to answer your questions. Get in touch by email at [email protected] or by phone at 734-546-5674.

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