What to Expect with the IMDS 14.0 Update

The newest version of the International Material Data System, IMDS 14.0, will be released on May 10, 2023. This version will include several changes to how you report your materials for automotive regulations, particularly how you report thermoplastics.

IMDS is the gold standard for compliance reporting in the automotive industry, and DXC Technology, the developer, regularly makes updates. These updates are meant to improve your reporting. Knowing what to expect is important so that once the updates are released you won’t have any delays in your reporting while you adapt to the changes.

Here’s what will changes with IMDS 14.0. For even more detailed information, see the IMDS 14.0 Release Notes.

Structure Mixes

When IMDS 13.2 released, there was a change to how structure mixes could be applied. Different types of nodes used at the same level could only be applied to non-article semi components or materials.

In IMDS 14.0, this change will be reversed. Instead, you will be able to define the purpose of any non-component on the same level as a component.

Change in Filled/Unfilled Thermoplastics

In IMDS 14.0, the SC90 check for filled thermoplastics (5.1.a) and unfilled thermoplastics (5.1.b) will be changed. It will now check for at least 5% filler substances for 5.1.a or under 5% filler substance for 5.1.b.

There will also be new checks for whenever a filled thermoplastic is used. When a filled thermoplastic is used in a material, there will be a checkbox to indicated whether or not it is used as a filler.

More Contact Information

In IMDS 14.0, you will be able to assign a contact person to a new MDS (material data sheet) Request. It will work in the same way MDS contacts currently work, with the contact person showing up in the MDS Request details and subscription emails, and the company’s default contact showing up if the assigned contact is later deactivated.

When users choose not to have their contact information included in MDS rejections, the checkbox to choose this will now show up again after one day instead of being permanently hidden. That way, you’ll be able to change your contact preferences.

There will also be a new feature to make sure company contact information stays up to date. IMDS will now ask you to update the default contact for your company every 90 days.

Confidential Declarable Substances

When new substances are added to the Global Automotive Declarable Substances List (GADSL), IMDS will automatically flag those substances if they have been marked confidential. Two weeks later, they will be revealed and be able to be seen by the entire supply chain.

If you have substances that have been flagged, IMDS will notify you of what they are the first time you log in after the update. You will then need to indicate that you understand that new GADSL substances will be revealed after two weeks and if you are a material manufacturer you will need to update materials using jokers to hide the flagged substances.

Check for Old MDSs

If you have own datasheets older than 10 years that you are still using, you will need to create a new version of them once you start using IMDS 14.0. They will no longer be able to be proposed or published.

However, if you are sending or proposing an MDS marked as a Legacy Spare Part, this change will not apply.

If you are a material manufacturer, you can mark your own old materials as “still valid” and it will hide the check message for an additional five years.

Chemical Recycling and Bio-Based Materials

IMDS 14.0 will include new options to specify recyclate or bio-based information about your materials. Previously, this content had to be entered into the details of the selected material. Now there will be a wizard dialogue box to help you enter this information.

You will also be able to declare certification to certain standards for your products.

Get IMDS 14.0 Support

IMDS changes are always meant to make your reporting more accurate and efficient. But new interface changes and updates to what information is required take some time to get used to. This will be even more true in the future, as DXC Technology plans to release IMDS 15.0 which will include a new Advanced Interface. This release has not been scheduled yet, but it may require big shifts in how your company uses IMDS in the future.

If you need help figuring out these new IMDS changes or need any kind of IMDS support for your company, contact Tetra Tech’s IMDS experts at [email protected]. We have decades of experience supporting companies with IMDS reporting and can provide everything from training to reporting management and more.


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